{transitioning from college to 'real world'}

2014 was quite a year. From graduating early to my first job, the adventures were endless, and needless to say, I'm extremely grateful for every single good and bad moment. Some of my highlights from this past year:

  • Interning at 87AM: I was able to work with some seriously talented individuals as well as work under an amazing supervisor and director.
  • Graduation: I did graduate early, but the actual ceremonies at Radio City Music Hall and Yankee Stadium were in May.
  • Las Vegas: Spent about a week in Vegas for EDCLV and all the in-betweens. Amazing, fun times with the most amazing people.
  • Full time: I'm thankful and lucky that I was able to find another opportunity after my internship ended.
  • On the Run: Finally, FINALLY. I was able to see Jay-Z and Beyonce in concert. Together. Thank you, Tiff!
  • Prague: After failing to go to Prague for study abroad, I had the opportunity to spend a  long weekend in the beautiful city. Read about it here, here, and here.
  • My first Knicks game: After expressing how I had never been a Knicks game and wanted to go, Kevin surprised me with club seats to a game for my birthday. And then we ended the night with ice skating at Wollman rink. Thanks again, dear.
  • Our first Rangers game: He surprised me with Knicks tickets, so I surprised {a failed surprise because he guessed what it was, sigh} Kevin with tickets to a Rangers game. Definitely won't be our last.
  • Spending more time with my family: This one speaks for itself.

I want 2015 to emphasize simplicity and true/meaningful relationships  a "purge" if you will. I suppose I have already started this process by deactivating my Facebook. By leaving Facebook behind, it essentially forces people to use a little more effort to contact me, and if they want to, they will reach me. And of course, the same goes for myself. There's no harm in a little extra effort if you really want to see or talk to someone. Additionally, I'm hoping for richer experiences and for a more fulfilling use of my time. You're only in your 20s once, and I want to make the most of my younger years while I still {kind of} have the time.

2014 you were great, but 2015 will be better. Cheers and Happy New Year everyone!