It's September! There are so many things to look forward to in the coming months, especially sweater weather and PEPPERMINT MOCHA {my guilty pleasure holiday drink}.
Just a quick update on what I've been up to and what's to come!
I got the approval from my boss to take a few days off in October to go to one of the cities I've been dying to visit, Prague! Due to some unfortunate circumstances, I wasn't able to attend study abroad during my 3.5 years at NYU, so this will be my first time in Europe. To say that I'm excited is a severe understatement. Initially, I was a little reluctant. I mean, how much of a city can you absorb in just four days? But if there's any opportunity to leave the country, even for a short while, it'll ultimately be worth it. Can it just be October 22nd already so I can fly out?
September is just the calm before the October storm. Back to back weekends filled with different shows, a trip to AC, and birthdays before Prague.
So ready to finally venture off to Europe. First stop: Czech Republic.