Cue the summertime activities! As previously mentioned in my graduation blog post, I have an ongoing list of things that I want to do this summer and on. As this is not a complete list just yet, I'm open to other ideas and events that are happening in the city, so if you guys know of any other activities, let me know! Feel free to let me know if you'd like to join me on any of these adventures.
From the Roof Garden Café & Bar at the Met
- Explore/barhop in Williamsburg
- Brooklyn Botanical Garden
- Get through at least more than half of my food to do list
- Explore different coffee shops
- Learn how to (properly) longboard
- Go hiking
- Boozy picnic at the park
- Rooftop barhopping in NYC
- Explore West Village
- NY Philharmonic Concert in the Park
- Museum hop
- Smorgasburg/Williamsburg Flea Market
- Bike along the West Side Highway
- Attend the Metropolitan Opera
- Tour Brooklyn Brewery