{mother's day}

No better way to say "I love you mom" than sweating together on a hike, amirite?

Keeping my mom's fondness of long hikes in mind, I gathered the family on the Saturday before Mother's day for a nice, early morning hike. Fortunately for us, there was no sun on our way up; we were able to enjoy shade, a nice breeze, and the occasional spotty shower. As a testament to how out-of-shape I've gotten over the last few months, I lagged behind my dad and my little brother, who golf and swim, respectively. Luckily, I had my older brother lagging behind with me.


When we reached the West Mountain Shelter, we prepared the meal that we were all waiting for: 6 packs of glorious, glorious ramen. Armed with the tiny camp stove, my dad quickly prepped the water while the rest of us unpackaged the ramen while enjoying the view. Of course, we also had a few beers and one giant bottle of Soju on hand. My mom and I gleefully enjoyed our Soju bombs while my dad sipped on his Soju (still, to this day, I'm bewildered at the fact that my dad enjoys sipping his Soju. How???).


The sun slowly emerged from the clouds as we cleaned up and made our way down the mountain. It was an exhausting morning, but also an incredibly rewarding bonding time with my family. 

I jokingly suggested we have a part 2 for Father's Day while my brother vehemently disagreed. But who knows? It's always nice to get outside and spend time with the ones you love.

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